Pole Position Management Simulation 2012

Pole Position Management Simulation 2012 merupakan game besutan kalypsomedia yang
menawarkan fitur lebih dari versi sebelumnya dalam simulasi balap Formula 1 tim manajemen. Rangkaian seluruh teknologi direvisi dari bawah ke atas dan Anda harus memilih penelitian Anda sendiri dari lebih dari 100 proyek teknologi baru. Sistem manajemen tim lebih mudah digunakan daripada sebelumnya. Dan bahkan ketika datang untuk kepuasan Anda sendiri, Anda dapat membuat impian Anda menjadi kenyataan dan mendapatkan mobil sport, villa atau bahkan pesawat jet pribadi.

  • Your racing team – take control of an existing racing team or create your very own team
  • Driver Editor -create your very own driver using the integrated Driver Editor in the new Pole Position
  • Improved tech tree – research more than 100 new car technologies using an improved technology tree, which allows you to see your progress in the blink of an eye.
  • Team installations – your team owns its own installations, where you can build different structures, such as a wind tunnel or a fitness centre. And you can even improve those structures as the game progresses.
  • Private life – the new Pole Position doesn’t forget you, the manager, also have needs. Make your dreams come true and live a life of luxury: get your own sports car, a villa on the Riviera or even a private jet plane.
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System Requirement
System:    Windows XP SP2 / Vista / Windows 7
CPU: Pentium4 compatible with 2,5 GHz+
Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible with 256MB RAM

Description: Pole Position Management Simulation 2012 Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Unknown ItemReviewed: Pole Position Management Simulation 2012

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