Painkiller: Recurring Evil

Painkiller: Recurring Evil
- ada game baru yang tidak kalah serunya nih gamers yaitu Painkiller: Recurring Evil, Painkiller: Recurring Evil termasuk game bergenre shooter terbaru dan keren. Game Painkiller: Recurring Evil adalah game yang diterbitkan oleh Med-Art di tahun 2012 ini, silahkan mencoba gamers.

Painkiller: Recurring Evil is an add-on featuring 5 new levels with about 4000 enemies. It was released digitally on February 29, 2012 by Nordic Games GmbH via Steam, and developed by Med-Art and Eggtooth.

It continues the story of Resurrection and serves as a side story for Redemption. Bill Sherman becomes the ruler of Purgatory, blessed with power of the Sword of Seraphim. However, the fallen angel Samael (now wingless after his defeat at the hands of Belial in Overdose), who took the power of Hell from Eve, steals Bill's sword and sends him to Purgatory's unexplored locations, forcing the fight to start again. Bill reaches Samael in the end of his journey, but game ends without a fight, as the fallen angel defeats Bill. Depending on difficulty, Bill is either killed by Samael, or rescued by Belial.

System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
Memory: 1.5GB
Hard Disk Space: 3GB
Video Card: AMD Radeon/Nvidia GeForce with 512MB of memory and shader model 3.0
DirectX: 9.0c
Description: Painkiller: Recurring Evil Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Unknown ItemReviewed: Painkiller: Recurring Evil

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